Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
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East Azarbaijan S&T Park
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Pilot chemistry Industry | Pilot chemistry industries of the Science and Technology Park of East Azarbaijan province
Pilot chemistry industries of the Science and Technology Park of East Azarbaijan province:
Pilot (the semi-industrial production stage) refers to the stage of the research that begins after prototyping stage and its results are utilized to access to the technology of the mass production of the sample. Generalization of the results of laboratory procedures and their expansion to the ranges of industrial and semi-industrial production parameters can be viewed as the first step in improving the production conditions and can make possible the designing of the easier and more efficient units in the country.
The Pilot chemistry industries of the Science and Technology Park of East Azarbaijan province provides applicants with facilities and required space for performing of limited production processes to obtain technical knowledge of the production at a semi-industrial scale on the base of the research results and the results of the chemical research projects, to assist to the institutions to optimize laboratory samples and to obtain appropriate and facilitating processes for mass production.
In this pilot stirring double-glaze reactors in different sizes 30, 100, 200, 400 Liter, Line Glass and Glass types and equipment such as distillation unit, condenser, dryer, vacuum pumps, heating systems, hot oil, grinding and pressure filter have been installed and operated.
Technical services | Technical services
Chemistry Laboratory
Biotechnology Laboratory
Power Electronic Laboratory
Science and Technology Parks | Science and Technology Parks
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Pilot Chemical Industry | Pilot Chemical Industry
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Copyright 2013 by East Azarbaijan Science and Technology Park