Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Pilot Accessories | 100 and 400 liter Receivers ...
100 and 400 liter Receivers
These receivers exist in two different types of glass line and glass and are used for storage and maintenance of materials. These receivers don’t have a calefactory body and are equipped with inlet and outlet lidded valves.
1 – Plate Condenser
Internal body material: Glass line
2 – Tube Condenser
Internal body material: stainless steel 316 and glass
Tray dryer machine which is made of stainless steel 316 with an electric element heating system including a separate fan and an accurate digital thermometer is used to dry the solid products containing humidity like polymeric, pharmaceutical and food chemical products. Equipment such as Psychrometer can be installed on the dryer according to the requirements of various industries.
Hot oil heating system to heat the reactors
Hot oil pump machine is made of stainless steel 316 with an electric element heating system. In this system the oil heated is pumped at a high pressure into the pipes and causes reactors to get warm. A temperature of about 300 centigrade is accessible in less than two hours span in this system.
Filter pressure (Filter Press)
Containing six filters for filtration of slurry products, suspensions and solutions with colloidal particles
Vacuum Pump
Liquid Transfer Pumps
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