Monday, February 10, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
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Equipment in the Pilot | Equipment in the Pilot
Glass Line Reactors 30, 200, 400 liters
These reactors are used for polymerization and chemical reactions requiring a complete mix reactor and also for producing a wide range of chemicals such as esters, resins, pharmaceuticals, chemical salts, etc.
Glass line reactor is equipped with a variable speed agitator, condenser, receiver, vacuum pump, digital thermometer with a temperature control possibility, gauge manometer and a hot oil heating system to heat up to 200 centigrade.
Technical specifications:
Reactor Type: Glass Line K Series BDGLASS8803
Agitator type: Oar made of glass line
Thermometer Type: Digital
Hull Operating Pressure: 0.6 mega pixels
Maximum Operating Temperature: 200 ° C.
Made By: China ZCEP Companies
Glass reactors:
These reactors are used for polymerization and chemical reactions requiring a full mix reactor. Glass body allows the researcher to control constantly physical and superficial changes of the materials during the experiment.
These reactors are equipped with a variable speed agitator, receiver, vacuum pump, digital thermometer with a temperature control possibility and an element heating system to heat up to 120 centigrade.
Glass reactors can be used to observe chemical reactions really and in scales of at least 10 kg to 100 kg per batch.
Mechanical agitation system of different types of butterflies, turbine, and oar made of steel 316 with variable speed are appropriate to study and perform a variety of chemical reactions.
Arrangement and setting of the reactors and respective chassis are considered in a way that the flexibility of using the reactors simultaneously and using them as feed tank for other reactors is provided in a special reaction.
Technical specifications:
Reactor Type: Glass Reactor
Reactor Volume: 100 liters
Agitator Type: Oar and the agitator speed can be adjusted manually.
Agitator Material: Stainless steel 316
Thermometer Type: Digital
Heating system: Heating element
Made in: Germany, SCHOTT Company
Technical services | Technical services
Chemistry Laboratory
Biotechnology Laboratory
Power Electronic Laboratory
Science and Technology Parks | Science and Technology Parks
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