Monday, February 10, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
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Science and Technology Parks
East Azarbaijan S&T Park
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Incubator and Pre-incubator
Satellite incubator of Marand
Satellite incubator of Mieyaneh
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The work team of the pilot chemistry industries | The research team of the Science and Technology Park of East Azarbaijan province through utilizing and ...
Nowadays, research has been recognized as the most important driving force of the development of human societies. The Science and Technology Park to give purpose and direction to the research and to transfer research results to industry has attempted to form a research team.
The research team of the Science and Technology Park of East Azarbaijan province through utilizing and cooperating with potential experts and scholars from the universities and industries of the province has obtained a very high capability to perform practical projects.
Taking into consideration of the experience and the combination of the expert staffs and research experience of the faculties in the Park as well as researchers of the technology companies and institutions and tenant research units in the Development Centre, the possibility of the performance and study on research projects and as well as contracting for codification of technical knowledge and producing profitable productions at a macro level have been provided and allowed as well the possible.
Upgrading and optimizing of the production lines
Elimination of the bottlenecks and drawbacks of the production lines
Consultation to produce products with higher quality and more added value
Creation of research projects
Providing formulation for new products
Creation of plans for feasibility measurement
Scientific and administrative team members:
Dr. Mohammad Ali Hossein Pour Feizi PhD in Biology - Radio Biology
Dr. Abdul Reza Mir Mohseni Postdoctoral in chemistry and polymer technology
Dr. Ali Quli Niyaee PhD in Chemical Engineering
Dr. Mohammad Rezvani PhD in Ceramics
Mr. Saeid Aslani Bachelor in engineering chemistry
Mr. Farhad Khlafi Bachelor in chemistry
Mohammad Salmani Mogadam Bachelor in Biolog
Technical services | Technical services
Chemistry Laboratory
Biotechnology Laboratory
Power Electronic Laboratory
Science and Technology Parks | Science and Technology Parks
President's Message
Board of Directors
Ethical charter
Fields of Activity
Goals and Mission
Sites of Park
Pilot Chemical Industry | Pilot Chemical Industry
Work Team
Equipment in the Pilot
Pilot Accessories
Privacy Statement
Terms Of Use
Copyright 2013 by East Azarbaijan Science and Technology Park